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Upcoming Romance Writing Workshop will make readers swoon!

Brandi Bradley

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

On February 3, I am hosting a workshop in Writing Short Romantic Fiction at East Cobb Library in Marietta, Georgia!

flyer for writing short romantic fiction stories

Many of my readers might not realize that I started writing romance. In fact, at one point and time I was exclusively a romance novel reader. I would purchase five Harlequins for a dollar at the flea market and spend the weekend reading them when I was supposed to be selling Beanie Babies at my mom’s booth. I would pick up thick romance epics at tiny grocery stores. I would look for the holograph sticker in the corner.

What I liked about romance was the feeling I got reading it – that flip flop of the stomach when the romantic characters get close to each other. Romance novels are fantastic at dramatic tension, keeping the reader hooked on whether or not the couple will touch, kiss, or more.

So, when I decided that I was going to write a novel, it was a college-girl romance. At the time, I was fortunate enough to run into an old friend who was also writing a romance novel. I got a writing partner who exceeded me in the romance genre and got to witness her make a career out of it. I learned so much about the genre and I am excited to pass that along to others.

And what’s amazing about romantic fiction is you can set it at any place and time and embed it in another genre. Romantic tension exists in crime stories, horror stories, science-fiction stories, as well as historical epics, Royal dramas, speculative fiction, and young adult dystopian. Romance can be everywhere!

There are many different approaches to romantic fiction and many aspects to consider. Romance readers want a story where they can anticipate what will happen -- romance stories should end with the couple together -- however, romance readers want surprises and the unexpected on the journey.

At this romance writing workshop, we will review the conventions of romance, how to structure a short fiction plot, how to build romantic tension, and how to not fall into the overused romantic tropes while still giving the reader what they want.

Also, as an added bonus, we will be reading each other’s stories and offering feedback. Getting feedback is the best way for writing to improve, and to receive feedback from someone who is invested in the same genre means they will have read many of the same authors, have similar struggles they may have also overcome, and have the same respect for the genre.

Spaces are limited, so be sure to preregister at Cobb County Library. Once you sign up, you can either bring a copy of your short story with you that day or you can upload a copy of it beforehand.

All short story submissions should be no longer than 3,000 words and formatted in 12-point, double-spaced, Helvetica font.

Don’t miss out! Sign up! It’s going to be a fun day of talking romance, writing prompts, reading hot new romance, and getting all jacked up on romantic fiction.

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